①,材料和机械性能应符合ASTM F 1852或ASTM F 2280的要求。 |
螺栓规格 | 长度L≤6英寸 | 长度L>6英寸 |
1/2 | -0.12 | -0.19 |
5/8 | -0.12 | -0.25 |
3/4 ~ 1 | -0.19 | -0.25 |
1-1/8 ~ 1-1/2 | -0.25 | -0.25 |
1 | [国标] GB /T 3632 (S) - 2008 |
钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓 Torshear type high strength bolt for steel structures 供应商(6) |
2 | [国标] GB /T 3632 (S) - 1995 |
钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓 Torshear type high strength bolt for steel structures 供应商(6) |
3 | [国标] GB /T 32076.8 - 2017 |
预载荷高强度栓接结构连接副:扭剪型圆头螺栓 High-Strength Structural Bolting Assemblies For Preloading - Torshear Type Bolt With Cup Head |
4 | [欧标] EN 14399-10 (Cup Bolt) - 2018 |
预负载用高强度结构螺栓连接副,第10部分:HRC系统 - 扭剪型圆头螺栓 High-Strength Structural Bolting Assemblies for Preloading - System HRC - Bolt HRC with Cup Head |
5 | [美标] ASME B 18.2.6 - 2019 |
扭剪型高强度螺栓 (平圆头) (ASTM F3125 / F3125M) Twist-Off-Type Tension Control Structural Bolts: Heavy Round Head Configurations (ASTM F3125 / F3125M) |
6 | [美标] ASME B 18.2.6 - 2010 |
扭剪型高强度螺栓 (平圆头) (ASTM F 1852 / ASTM F 2280) [Table 7] Twist-Off-Type Tension Control Structural Bolts: Heavy Round Head Configurations (ASTM F 1852 / ASTM F 2280) |
7 | [日标] JSS II 09 (-1) - 1996 |
结构连接用扭剪型高强螺栓 Torsional shear type high strength bolt for structural connection |